Share the L-O-V-E: Connect with an Enid Collins Community


Curious about collecting, restoring, buying or selling Enid Collins bags? Or simply curious to learn more about Enid and others who “have a flair for the truly distinctive”? Here are a few excellent online communities to check out—from family to Facebook to like-minded obsessives.

Dovetail publishing’s website for Enid, the 2017 memoir by Enid’s son, Jeep: “Enid is a true story of overcoming adversity, rising to notoriety, and then searching for, and finding, true meaning. You are invited into this story. Like a guest in her home, gather round as Enid Collins tells of her victories, her sorrows and ultimate rest.”

Enid’s son, Jeep Collins, has published a wealth of biographical information and witty anecdotes about his mother and father, and the birth and explosive growth of Collins of Texas, on his website. In addition to his own extraordinary fine jewelry, he shares excerpts from Enid’s own journals, and information about his 2017 Dovetail press biography, Enid.

Creative director and author Laura Seargeant Richardson’s “passion project” (or “hobby that got out of hand”), an interactive online timeline to document all 766 copyrighted handbag designs of Enid Collins. In addition to sharing her ongoing research and gorgeous photography, Richardson offers vintage bags for sale, as well as reference copies of the official US Copyright Office records.

One of the first websites devoted to Enid Collins artworks, this online community of Collins collectors old and new is published by Enid’s grandson, Christian. In addition to images of hundreds of Enid Collins handbags, the site offers opportunities to meet other collectors and share your own information.


Collectors Facebook Group

Collectors and fans of Enid Collins vintage purses. Buy/sell/trade allowed. Haul and collection photos encouraged.


 Share Your Enid Collins Images & Stories with Me

Story-tellers are a vital and exciting part of the Finding Enid with LOVE project. I’d love to hear from you about your favorite bags, how you discovered Enid Collins, your grandma’s memories — any “gems” you’d like to share.

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